Modeling and Simulation

DCS supports Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine clients examining possible ways to enhance weapons system performance using high fidelity modeling and simulation to evaluate system performance.

In conjunction with the simulation capabilities for immersive ground vehicle simulation, DCS also develops, in coordination with US Army CCDC GVSC, the Continuous Autonomy Simulation Test Laboratory Environment (CASTLE). The CASTLE environment is established and is being refined to provide capability to augment physical testing and to evaluate edge cases with autonomy hardware or software in the loop. This simulation capability involves the virtual vehicle and environments as in the immersive simulation, and autonomy sensor models that provide realistic inputs to autonomy algorithms.

DCS has been developing, integrating, and conducting experiments in immersive ground vehicle simulation environments for close to three decades. DCS has worked with US Army CCDC Ground Vehicle Systems Center to develop and integrate latest image generation HW/SW, virtual terrain models, and combatant / non-combatant simulations, scenario automation tools, manned and unmanned vehicle and sensor / weapon system simulations to support future ground vehicle research in virtual battlefields. In addition, DCS has developed and integrated vehicle multi-body dynamics simulations along with all of the above models and simulations to conduct experiments in 6 DoF motion simulators. Further, DCS has integrated varying degrees of hardware and/or software in the loop environments for system testing and evaluations in the lab or in field.

DCS has a long history of target and scene generation in the Air Force Research Lab, both at Wright Patterson Air Force Base (AFB) and Eglin AFB. DCS subsidiary, Infoscitex (IST), developed SubrScene, a widely known battlefield, sensor and “Out the Window” visualization tool.
IST also developed ECHO, an open-source terrain construction tool to provide high fidelity terrain databases for analysis. DCS experts in Fast Line of Sight Imagery for Target and Exhaust-plume Signatures (FLITES) perform integrated target/missile system fly­ out as seen through a seeker’s perspective. We also support the AFRL Scene Generation Team and Kinetic Kill Vehicle Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulator (KHILS) Team that maintains configuration control, distribution, testing, validation, and verification of FLITESv2 on many customer projects, and across the frequency spectrum.

DCS has extensive experience in model verification and validation through our support to various weapons programs, on the ground and in the air. We specialize in model development (e.g. aerodynamic databases and autopilot and/or ground control equipment). For subsonic through hypersonic flight regimes, we plan and conduct aerodynamic and propulsion testing (full-size and subscale wind tunnel testing), ground testing (Hardware-in-the-Loop [HIL]/Software-in-the-Loop [SIL]), and support flight testing. We analyze system performance in the areas of aerodynamics, propulsion, guidance, navigation, and control. As a result, numerous weapons models, used for mission planning, flight certification, airworthiness analysis, and performance specification compliance analyses have been improved and accepted for use by the Air Force, Navy, and other government agencies. As more and more reliance is made on simulations in lieu of open air testing, rigorous V&V efforts save time and money. DCS has been used as a trusted agent for modeling and simulation and V&V of weapons such as small diameter bombs, joint air-to-surface standoff missiles, long range anti-ship missiles, arrows/bolts, joint standoff weapons, high-speed antiradiation missiles, and many others.

    DCS subsidiary, Infoscitex (IST), has over two decades of experience performing weapon systems effectiveness analysis using a simulation-based research and development approach. We formulate trade space problems, conduct design of experiments and use the latest data analysis techniques to answer challenging operations research questions. We use a variety of campaign, mission, engagement, and engineering level tools. We employ constructive, virtual, and live simulation approaches to conduct these evaluations. We are experts in building suitable system/subsystem models, constructing relevant, multi-domain environments, and running experiments of complex scenarios.

    In support of Air Force Research Laboratory, IST manages the Advanced Framework for Simulation, Integration and Modeling (AFSIM) code base, integrating capability updates from the user community, developing tools, and managing software distribution. We developed and support critical AFSIM support tools for scenario generation (Wizard) and interactive analyses (Warlock), distributed with the code base. We support the AFSIM helpdesk function and provide AFSIM user and developer training.

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    6909 Metro Park Drive, Suite 500
    Alexandria VA 22310
    P: 571-227-6000

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